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Nutrition Facts
Servings Size 1 cup (129 grams)
Servings Per Recipe 1

Amount Per Serving

Calories 721
Calories from fat 569

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 63.3 g

Saturated Fat 11.2 g

Trans Fat 0.1 g

Cholesterol 0.0 mg

Sodium 9.0 mg

Total Carbohydrate 13.8 g

Dietary Fiber 7.7 g

Sugars 1.8 g

Protein 39.0 g

Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 4%

Calcium 6%
Iron 63%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet
† Data are based on information from the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 25 and are only estimates
Name Value DV Note
39 g 78%
Total lipid (fat)
Total Fat
63.27 g 97%
Carbohydrate, by difference
Total Carbohydrate
13.82 g 5%
Ash 6.17 g
721 kcal
Starch 1.9 g
Sucrose 1.46 g
Glucose (dextrose) 0.17 g
Fructose 0.19 g
Lactose 0 g
Maltose 0 g
Alcohol, ethyl 0 g
Water 6.75 g
Caffeine 0 mg
Theobromine 0 mg
Energy 3017 kJ
Sugars, total
1.81 g
Galactose 0 g
Fiber, total dietary
Dietary Fiber
7.7 g 31%
Calcium, Ca
59 mg 6%
Iron, Fe
11.38 mg 63%
Magnesium, Mg
764 mg 191%
Phosphorus, P
1591 mg 159%
Potassium, K
1044 mg 30%
Sodium, Na
9 mg 0%
Zinc, Zn
10.07 mg 67%
Copper, Cu
1.732 mg 87%
Manganese, Mn
5.86 mg 293%
Selenium, Se
12.1 µg 17%
Vitamin A, IU
Vitamin A
21 mcg 0%
Retinol 0 µg
Vitamin A, RAE 1 µg
Carotene, beta 12 µg
Carotene, alpha 1 µg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 2.81 mg
Vitamin D
Vitamin D
0 mcg 0%
Vitamin D (D2 + D3) 0 µg
Cryptoxanthin, beta 1 µg
Lycopene 0 µg
Lutein + zeaxanthin 95 µg
Tocopherol, beta 0.04 mg
Tocopherol, gamma 45.28 mg
Tocopherol, delta 0.57 mg
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid
Vitamin C
2.5 mg 4%
0.352 mg 23%
0.197 mg 12%
6.433 mg 32%
Pantothenic acid
Pantothenic acid
0.968 mg 10%
Vitamin B-6
Vitamin B6
0.184 mg 9%
Folate, total
75 µg 19%
Vitamin B-12
Vitamin B12
0 µg 0%
Choline, total 81.3 mg
Menaquinone-4 0 µg
Dihydrophylloquinone 0 µg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 9.4 µg
Folic acid 0 µg
Folate, food 75 µg
Folate, DFE 75 µg
Tryptophan 0.743 g
Threonine 1.287 g
Isoleucine 1.652 g
Leucine 3.121 g
Lysine 1.594 g
Methionine 0.778 g
Cystine 0.428 g
Phenylalanine 2.236 g
Tyrosine 1.41 g
Valine 2.037 g
Arginine 6.905 g
Histidine 1.006 g
Alanine 1.916 g
Aspartic acid 3.818 g
Glutamic acid 7.983 g
Glycine 2.377 g
Proline 1.698 g
Serine 2.158 g
Vitamin E, added 0 mg
Vitamin B-12, added 0 µg
0 mg 0%
Fatty acids, total trans
Trans Fat
0.083 g
Fatty acids, total saturated
Saturated Fat
11.17 g 56%
4:0 0 g
6:0 0.001 g
8:0 0 g
10:0 0.004 g
12:0 0.008 g
14:0 0.076 g
16:0 6.92 g
18:0 3.701 g
20:0 0.273 g
18:1 undifferentiated 20.812 g
18:2 undifferentiated 26.716 g
18:3 undifferentiated 0.155 g
20:4 undifferentiated 0.169 g
22:6 n-3 (DHA) 0 g
22:0 0.074 g
14:1 0 g
16:1 undifferentiated 0.062 g
18:4 0 g
20:1 0.072 g
20:5 n-3 (EPA) 0 g
22:1 undifferentiated 0.001 g
22:5 n-3 (DPA) 0 g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 20.952 g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 27.059 g
15:0 0.01 g
17:0 0.048 g
24:0 0.057 g
16:1 t 0 g
18:1 t 0.032 g
22:1 t 0.001 g
18:2 t not further defined 0.05 g
18:2 CLAs 0.005 g
24:1 c 0.006 g
20:2 n-6 c,c 0.005 g
16:1 c 0.062 g
18:1 c 20.779 g
18:2 n-6 c,c 26.66 g
22:1 c 0 g
18:3 n-6 c,c,c 0 g
17:1 0 g
20:3 undifferentiated 0 g
Fatty acids, total trans-monoenoic 0.034 g
Fatty acids, total trans-polyenoic 0.05 g
15:1 0 g
18:3 n-3 c,c,c (ALA) 0.155 g
20:3 n-3 0 g
20:3 n-6 0 g
22:4 0.008 g