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  1. 1 medium Avocado ripe
  2. 1 tsp Garlic minced
  3. 1/2 tsp Salt
  4. 2 tbsp Lime Juice freshly squeezed
  5. 2 tbsp Water
  6. 1 tbsp Rice Wine Vinegar
  7. 1/2 tsp Hot Sauce Emeril's hot-pepper sauce or other
  8. 6 tbsp Vegetable Oil
  9. 1/4 cups Cilantro
  1. 1 Peel, seed, and dice avocado and place in blender or food processor. Add garlic, salt, lime juice, water, vinegar, hot-pepper sauce, and cilantro leaves. With the machine running, slowly drizzle in oil until a creamy emulsion forms. Transfer vinaigrette to a small bowl or squeeze bottle. Use immediately or refrigerate for up to 2 days.