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fl oz
  1. 1 lb Banana Peppers
  2. 3 cups Vinegar
  3. 2 cups Water
  4. 2 tbsp Kosher Salt
  5. 1 tbsp Sugar
  6. 2 cloves Garlic minced
  7. 1/2 tsp Turmeric, Ground
  8. 1 tsp Black Peppercorns
  9. 1/2 tsp Mustard Seed
  10. 1/4 tsp Red Pepper Flakes
  1. 1 Slice banana peppers into rings 1/4-inch thick. Remove seeds and ribs, if desired.
  2. 2 Fill each mason jar to the top with banana peppers. Add about 1 clove of minced garlic to each jar.
  3. 3 In a small saucepan, heat the vinegar, water, salt, sugar, and spices and stir until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. There is no need to bring your brine to a full boil, you just need to heat it enough to dissolve the sugar and salt. Cool the brine completely.
  4. 4 When cooled, fill each jar with pickling brine, screw on the lid, and store in the refrigerator. Let the peppers pickle for at least 24 hours before eating. The longer they sit, the better they are!