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  1. 1 lb Farfalle (Bow Tie)
  2. 1 tbsp Butter, Unsalted
  3. 12 oz Mushrooms presliced exotic blend
  4. 1/2 cups Onion chopped
  5. 1/3 cups Shallots finely chopped
  6. 1 tbsp Garlic minced
  7. 1 1/2 tsp Salt divided
  8. 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
  9. 1/4 cups White Wine, dry
  10. 2/3 cups Heavy Cream
  11. 1/2 cups Parmigiano-Reggiano grated
  12. 2 tbsp Parsley, Flat-Leaf chopped
  1. 1 Cook pasta according to package directions, omitting salt and fat; drain.
  2. 2 Melt the butter in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms, onion, shallots, garlic, 1 teaspoon salt, and pepper; cook 12 minutes or until liquid evaporates and mushrooms are tender, stirring occasionally. Add wine; cook 2 minutes or until liquid evaporates, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat.
  3. 3 Add the cooked pasta, whipping cream, cheese, and 2 tablespoons parsley, tossing gently to coat. Stir in remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt. Garnish with minced fresh parsley, if desired. Serve immediately.