Edwards Gluten Free Muffins
30 minutes
servings ( servings x servings/serving) (original recipe: 0)
Breakfast & Brunch
recipe scaled from 0 to 0 servings
  1. cups (≈0gestimated from: Oil, coconut [cup]) Coconut Oil Wet Ingredient
  2. cups (weight unavailable) Coconut sugar Wet Ingredient
  3. servings (≈0gestimated from: Egg, whole, raw, fresh [large] - DUPE/5: Duplicate of Seq = 5) Egg Wet Ingredient
  4. tsp (≈0gestimated from: Vanilla extract [tsp]) Vanilla Extract Wet Ingredient
  5. cups (weight unavailable) Almond Flour Dry Ingredient
  6. tsp (≈0gestimated from: Leavening agents, baking powder, low-sodium [tsp]) Baking Powder Dry Ingredient
  7. tsp (≈0gestimated from: Salt, table [tsp]) Salt Dry Ingredient
  8. tsp (≈0gestimated from: Leavening agents, baking soda [tsp]) Baking Soda Dry Ingredient
  9. servings (weight unavailable) Mashed Bananas
  10. servings (weight unavailable)
could not scale measurements, cook times, etc. in "Steps"
  1. 1 Stir together wet ingredients first
  2. 2 Mix dry ingredients and then add to wet ingredients
  3. 3 Fold mashed bananas into batter
  4. 4 Bake at 350 degrees
  5. 5 Cook 50-60 minutes for loaf pan or 18 minutes for muffins